主癥 目赤腫痛,畏光流淚,眵多而難開。如兼有頭痛,發(fā)熱,脈浮數(shù)等為風(fēng)熱;如兼有口苦,煩熱,便秘,脈弦滑者屬肝膽火盛。
Main Manifestations Congestion , swelling and pain of the eye, photophobia, lacrimation and sticky discharge. In the case of wind heat, there occur headache, fever, superficial and rapid pulse. In the case of preponderance of fire in the liver and gallbladder, there are bitter taste in the mouth, irritability with feverish feeling, constipation and string-taut pulse.醫(yī)學(xué)全在線網(wǎng)站www.med126.com
治法 取手陽(yáng)明、足厥陰肝經(jīng)穴為主,毫針刺用瀉法。
Treatment The points of Large Intestine, Liver Meridians are used as main points, to disperse wind heat with filiform needles by reducing manipulation.
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處方 睛明 風(fēng)池 太陽(yáng) 合谷 行間
Prescription JINGMING (BL 1), FENGCHI (GB 20), TAIYANG (EX-HZ 5), HEGU (LI 4), XINGJIAN(LR 2). |