主癥 發(fā)病急,初起面目微腫,繼之則遍及全身,腰以上腫甚,皮膚光亮,陰囊腫亮,胸中煩悶,呼吸急促;蛐魏疅o汗,苔白滑,脈浮緊;或咽喉腫痛,苔薄黃,脈浮數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Abrupt onset of edema with puffy face and eyelids, anasarca severe edema above the lumbus, swelling of the scrotum, depression and irritability, shortness of breath, cold body without sweating, white, greasy tongue coating, superficial, and string-taut pulse, or sore throat, yellow, thin tongue coating, superficial, rapid pulse.
治法 取肺、脾經(jīng)穴為主。針用平補平瀉法,以宣肺、解表、利水;表邪退后,以參用陰水治法。
Treatment The points of Lung and Spleen Meridians are selected as the principal points. Even reinforcing and reducing manipulation are applied to clear the lung, relieve the exterior symptoms and remove the retained fluid. After the exterior symptoms are relieved, give treatment on basis of the method for Yin edema.
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處方 列缺 合谷 偏歷 陰陵泉 委陽
Prescription Lieque (LU7), Hegu (LI4), Pianli (LI6), Yinlingquan (SP9), Weiyang (BL39) |
主癥 發(fā)病較緩,足跗水腫,漸及周身,身腫以腰以下為甚,按之凹陷,復平較慢,皮膚晦暗,小便短少;蚣骐鋹灨姑,納減便溏,四肢倦怠,舌苔白膩,脈象濡緩;或兼腰痛腿酸,畏寒肢冷,神疲乏力,舌淡苔白,脈沉細無力。
Main Manifestations Slow onset of edema, at first on the pedis dorsum and then over the whole body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region. Depressions appearing upon hand pressing rebound slowly, sallow complexion, short urine, accompanied with epigastric fullness, abdominal distention, loss of appetite, loose stools, lassitude, weak limbs, sticky tongue coating, thready, slow pulse, or accompanied with lumbar pain and weakness of legs, aversion to cold, cold limbs, lassitude, pale tongue with white coating, deep, thready pulse.
治法 取足太陰、少陰經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用補法,并用灸法,以溫補脾腎,利水消腫。
Treatment The points of Spleen and Kidney Meridians are selected as the principal points. Reinforcing manipulation in conbination with moxibustion is applied to warm the spleen and kidney, remove the retained fluid and edema.醫(yī)學全在線www.med126.com
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處方 脾俞 腎俞 水分 復溜 關元 三陰交
Prescription Pishu (BL20), Shenshu (BL23), Shuifen (CV9), Fuliu (KI7), Guanyuan (CV4), Sanyinjiao (SP6) |