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護理學基礎作業(yè)習題單元測試題:測試題二:◎Unit2一. Select the best answer for each of the following questions.1. Which of the patient’s nonverbal expressions of anxiety is not true: A. he may look upset B. he may talk incessant
 <Unit 2 > 

※<Unit 2 >

Unit 2  

一. Select the best answer for each of the following questions.

1.  Which of the patient’s nonverbal expressions of anxiety is not true:

A. he may look upset   B. he may talk incessantly or refuse to talk or have the call light on all the time

C. he may assume an unnatural or uncomfortable position in bed   D. he may speak he feels apprehensive

2. There are many reasons why a patient feels apprehensive. perhaps the most intense fear comes from

A. fear of the unknown—of not knowing what is going to happen B. the disease 

C. the operation  D. the financial burden

3. If you are to gain his cooperation and confidence, you must:

A. let the patient feel at ease with you and trust you   B. know very much about a new patient’s background

C. be courteous and friendly   D. You can sense when a person is worried, frightened

4. Before the patient arrives, the nurse should:

A. be sure that the unit is equipped completely and in order, and open the bed  B. inform of the doctor

C. inform of the head nujfsoft.net.cn/job/rse   D. prepare for treatment

5. Noise has many sources, most of which are associated with

A. urban development: road, air and rail transport   B. industrial noise

C. neighborhood and recreational noise  D. all of the above

6. Exposure to noise is also associated with a range of possible physical effects excluding:

A. colds B. changes in blood pressure, other cardiovascular changes, increased general medical practice attendance  C. problems with the digestive system and general fatigue   D. sleep disturbance

7. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat or cold environment, people are likely to

A. be impatient and lose their temper, to work less efficiently B. become ill more quickly

C. become less alert and are in danger of physical injury, such as burn or frostbite   E. all of the above

8. How people define comfort in temperature varies among individuals and cultures. Chinese people are comfortable indoor temperatures

A. between 20 and 22?C B. between 18 and 22?C   C. between 22 and 24?C  D. between 18 and 24?C

二. Multiple choices

1. There are many reasons that a patient feels apprehensive, they are:

A. the patient may be afraid that he is going to die, or that he has a serious illness 

B. patients also react intensely to any threat to their body image &nb藥品數(shù)據(jù)sp; C. many patients is the fear of financial burden 

D. the patient may be embarrassed if personal services have to be performed for him

E. other difficulties may arise from superstitions or from lack of knowledge of the body

2 Put the new patient at ease:

A. by explaining the arrangement of the room   B. by letting the patient know that you were expecting him 

C. by commenting on everyday things   D. needing to be sensitive to his mood at the time

E. by trying to be funny with a frightened person 

3. The ways of gaining the patient’s family trust for the nurse are to:

A. inform of them about visiting hours and other hospital policies  B. let them see that you understand their anxiety B. explain that the patient will have 24-hour care and that the hospital will contact them immediately if an emergency should arise  D. treat them as welcome guests and try to make them comfortable during visits 

E. try to be funny with them

4. Factors affecting health in environment include:

A. ecology   B. air pollution  C. water pollution  D. radiation   E. noise pollution

5. The WHO suggests that noise can affect human health and well-being in a number of ways, including:

A. annoyance reaction, sleep disturbance   B. interference with communication, performance effects 

C. effects on social behavior and hearing loss   D. Noise can cause annoyance and frustration as a result of interference, interruption and distraction   E. changes in blood pressure


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