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  消化病學(xué)名詞           ★★★ 【字體:
消化病學(xué)名詞Digestive disease terminology
作者:佚名 文章來源:醫(yī)學(xué)全在線 更新時間:2006-6-17 1:46:27


超聲內(nèi)鏡, ultrasonic endoscope

成形便, formed stool

沖洗法細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查[術(shù)], lavage cytologic examination

蟲蝕樣邊緣, eroded edge

出血性胃炎, hemorrhagic gastritis

出血性胰腺炎, hemorrhagic pancreatitis

穿孔, perforation

穿孔性闌尾炎, perforating appendicitis

穿透, penetration

穿透性潰瘍, penetrating ulcer

大便失禁, fecal incontinence

大腸梗阻, large bowel obstruction, colonic obstruction

大網(wǎng)膜及腸系膜囊腫, omental cyst and mesenteric cyst

單純性集群性憩室病, simple massed diverticulosis

單極電凝[術(shù)], monopolar electrocoagulation

膽[結(jié)]石, gallstone

膽道閉鎖, biliary atresia

膽道測壓[術(shù)], manometry of biliary tract

膽道出血, hemobilia

膽道感染, infection of biliary tract

膽道梗阻, obstruction of biliary tract

膽道蛔蟲病, biliary ascariasis

膽道賈第蟲病, giardiasis of biliary tract

膽道減壓術(shù), decompression of biliary tract

膽道閃爍顯像[術(shù)], cholescintigraphy

膽道運動障礙, biliary dyskinesia

膽固醇結(jié)石, cholesterol calculus

膽管癌, carcinoma of bile duct

膽管測壓造影[術(shù)], manometric cholangiography

膽管肝炎, cholangiohepatitis

膽管空腸吻合術(shù), cholangiojejunostomy

膽管擴張, cholangiectasis

膽管內(nèi)置管擴張[術(shù)], biliary stent dilatation

膽管腺瘤, cholangioadenoma

膽管炎, cholangitis

膽管造影[術(shù)], cholangiography

膽管周圍炎, pericholangitis

膽紅素腦病, bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus

膽紅素尿, bilirubinuria

膽絞痛, biliary colic

膽瘺, biliary fistula

膽囊癌, carcinoma of gallbladder

膽囊腸瘺, cholecystoenteric fistula

膽囊超聲顯像[術(shù)], cholecystosonography

膽囊穿孔, perforation of gallbladder

膽囊鈣化, calcification of gallbladder

膽囊積膿, empyema of gallbladder

膽囊積氣, pneu-gallbladder

膽囊積水, hydrops of gallbladder

膽囊積血, hemocholecyst

膽囊鏡檢查[術(shù)], cholecystoscopy

膽囊空腸吻合術(shù), cholecystojejunostomy

膽囊扭轉(zhuǎn), torsion of gallbladder

膽囊切除術(shù), cholecystectomy

膽囊切除術(shù)后綜合征, postcholecystectomy syndrome

膽囊十二指腸吻合術(shù), cholecystoduodenostomy

膽囊收縮素, cholecystokinin

膽囊炎, cholecystitis

膽囊造口術(shù), cholecystostomy

膽囊造影術(shù), cholecystography

膽囊周圍膿腫, pericholecystic abscess

膽石性腸梗阻, gallstone ileus

膽石癥, cholelithiasis

膽小管炎, cholangiolitis

膽血癥, cholemia

膽胰管匯合異常, choledochopancreatic junction anomaly

膽汁反流性胃炎, bile reflux gastritis

膽汁尿, choleuria, choluria

膽汁濃縮綜合征, inspissated bile syndrome

膽汁性腹膜炎, biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum

膽汁性肝硬化, biliary cirrhosis

膽汁胸, cholothorax

膽汁引流, biliary drainage

膽汁淤積, cholestasis

膽汁粘稠綜合征, biliary hyperviscosity syndrome

膽總管端端吻合術(shù), choledochocholedochostomy

膽總管梗阻, obstruction of common bile duct

膽總管結(jié)石, calculus of common bile duct, choledocholith

膽總管結(jié)石病, choledocholithiasis

膽總管空腸Roux-en-Y形吻合術(shù), choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y

膽總管擴張, choledochectasia

膽總管囊腫, choledochal cyst

膽總管囊腫切除術(shù), choledochocystectomy

膽總管切開術(shù), choledochotomy

膽總管十二指腸吻合術(shù), choledochoduodenostomy

膽總管狹窄, stricture of common bile duct

膽總管炎, choledochitis

膽總管造口術(shù), choledochostomy

彈性假黃色瘤, pseudoxanthoma elasticum

蛋白丟失性腸病, protein-losing enteropathy

Devine結(jié)腸造口術(shù), Devine colostomy

電子內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], electronic endoscopy, videoendoscopy

淀粉酶-肌酸酐清除率之比, amylase-creatinine clearance ratio

淀粉酶清除率, clearance of amylase

丁型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type D,delta hepatitis

動脈膽道瘺, arteriobiliary fistula

痘瘡樣胃炎, gastritis varioliformis

Dubin-Johnson綜合征, Dubin-Johnson syndrome

端側(cè)吻合[術(shù)], end-to-side anastomosis

端端吻合[術(shù)], end-to-end anastomosis

端式結(jié)腸造口術(shù), terminal colostomy

短腸, short gut

短腸綜合征, short-bowel syndrone

多發(fā)性靜脈擴張, multiple phlebectasia, 

多極電凝[術(shù)], multipolar electrocoagulation

多囊肝, polycystic liver

二期小腸移植, two-stage intestine transplantation

翻出型肛門外吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù), Swenson procedure

翻轉(zhuǎn)法內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], reverse method of endoscopy

反流性食管炎, reflux esophagitis

反跳痛, rebound tenderness

反胃, regurgitation

放大腹腔鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying laparoscopy

放大內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying endoscopy

放射性結(jié)腸炎, radiation colitis

放射性小腸炎, radiation enteritis

非閉塞性腸梗死, nonocclusive intestinal infarction

肥厚性胃炎, hypertrophic gastritis

肥厚性幽門狹窄, hypertrophic pylorostenosis

肥皂性結(jié)腸炎, soap colitis

糞便嵌塞, fecal impaction

糞瘺, fecal fistula

蜂窩織炎性闌尾炎, phlegmonous appendicitis

蜂窩織炎性胃炎, phlegmonous gastritis

縫線肉芽腫, suture granuloma

弗納-莫里森綜合征, Verner-Morrison syndrome

輔助性肝移植, auxiliary liver transplantation

腐蝕性食管狹窄, caustic stricture of esophagus

腐蝕性胃炎, corrosivegastritis

復(fù)發(fā)性膽總管結(jié)石病, recurrent choledocholithiasis

復(fù)發(fā)性潰瘍, recurrent ulcer

復(fù)發(fā)性闌尾炎, recurrent appendicitis

復(fù)合性胃和十二指腸潰瘍, combined gastric and duodenal ulcers

腹部結(jié)核, abdominal tuberculosis

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